Renowned industry-wide for safety, comfort and durability, Euclid’s KV-GARD® conductive clothing is a soft Faraday cage that puts the linemen at the same potential as the conductor. With clothing bonded to the conductor, the lineman can work comfortably inside the electrical field with gloved hands at close range.
- All KV-GARD® garments are completely washable hand/machine and able to go in the dryer (low heat).
- Multiple tests are performed on each garment to check for wrist cuff- to-wrist cuff conductivity and sleeve-to-ankle conductivity.
- All data is recorded for monitoring of quality and performance over years
- Leave factory guaranteed under 100 Ω conductivity.
- Hood, pants & jacket are all bonded to ensure conductivity
- Gloves give good dexterous fit whilst remaining strong and durable.
- KV-GARD® socks are jersey knit with an elastic rib calf that fits over the pant leg.