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Your Carbon Neutral Supplier

Written by TransNet NZ Limited on April 15th, 2021.  0 comments

Sustainability Journey-Qualifications Only 250x353
Carbon Neutral and Sustainability seem to be the latest buzz words and you might have wondered if there is actually any substance behind them.  Well, we can assure you there is!
TransNet became certified Carbon Neutral, in 2019 after having achieved ISO 14064-1 for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals at an organisation level back in 2017.  This sustainability journey has been enlightening and our team has embraced the changes we've implemented to achieve this goal.  There were many considerations to make, the most important being how to achieve the goal without negatively impacting the service we provide our customers.  With a bit of thought and planning as well as a dedicated team, we have managed just that. 

For more on our journey and what it means for your business, click here or on the image to the left;
