Description SAFETY BENEFITS Silent interruption - no gas, sparks, or debris emitted Significant fire risk reduction - perfect for preventing wildfires in dry or drought-stricken areas Significant vegetation maintenance reduction - eliminates the need to maintain mowed grass radius beneath poles Increased safety to line personnel during circuit re-energizing operation Simplified fault location with Drop-open design FEATURES Universal fit design makes for an easy retrofit into industry standard 125kV BIL and 150kV BIL interchangeable cutouts No special tools required - Easy installation from the ground using hotstick No arc and no explosion noise High breaking reliability and high-speed breaking possible (within 0.5 cycles) Can also operate with short circuit currents & overload currents (more than 3 times the rated current) Sealed structure is highly durable against moisture absorption and salt damage Improved heat/humidity/flame resistance by using ceramic tubes Reusable end fittings reduce weight carried in fault vehicles and reduce landfill waste Available as: – Complete fuse assemblies (including metal end fittings) – Replacement fuse tubes – Replacement end fittings New/custom size fuses are available (conditions apply) STANDARDS IEC 60282-1(2009) High voltage fuses, current limiting fuses KS C 4612 High voltage current limiting fuse APPLICATION LOCATIONS Feeder circuits Metal-enclosed switchgear Pad-mounted switches Overhead capacitor racks Power Transformers, Distribution Transformers, Potential Transformers and Station Service Transformers DATASHEET
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