G&W's overhead Rotary Puffer (RP) switches are ideal for manual load break switching, standard speed (5 seconds per operation) automatic transfer or automated sectionalising on systems rated through 27kV, 630A, 32kA peak and 20kA asymmetrical short circuit. The switches are tested to applicable sections of ANSI and IEC standards. 630A load break with 20kA momentary
G&W overhead load break switches can provide:
- An economical alternative with superior, mechanical & electrical performance
- Totally sealed contact systems eliminating environmental corrosion and icing concerns
- Significant increase in the number of load break operations which is especially important in automation schemes where the number of switching operations typically increases
- Maintenance free
- Ease of automation
- All critical contact components totally protected from environment within a sealed-for-life (per IEC standards), welded and painted stainless steel enclosure
- SF6 is used because it is a safe, nontoxic, nonflammable, stable dielectric with excellent arc quenching properties
- MANUAL ONLY – Most cost effective option, switch is manually operated by the crew on site
- MOTORISED MANUAL – Install as a manual switch initially, then automate at a later date
- MOTORISED AUTOMATED – By adding a controller, the user can operate the switch remotely without having to dispatch a crew
- AUTOMATED SECTIONALISER – Programmed as a sectionaliser, it operates automatically of any human intervention, working directly with an upstream recloser and operating based on faults in the network it is monitoring to reduce affected customers.
- Both manual and motorised models can be fitted with an additional manual lock-out lever for extra safety.
- Various mounting options are available
For automation and controls, as well as models not shown here please
contact us.